Manage your property, utility, and billing on a centralised, purpose-built platform

Built on the Salesforce platform, our innovative Property Tax & Utility Billing solution combines powerful autonomous intelligence for data management with a high-performing revenue engine for billing and regulatory management to meet the needs of local government organisations and the communities they serve.

Centralise property, billing, policy and compliance management

MUNIvers’s Property Tax & Utility Billing is purpose-built for the needs of local government. Built on Salesforce – the world’s leading cloud services platform – it seamlessly integrates with existing systems to deliver data where and when its needed, enabling leaders to make informed, data-driven decisions. Manage all billing and revenue activities from a single platform to gain a better understanding of your citizens’ account history and status. Easily manage requests, transactions, and property with sophisticated search capabilities and instant information retrieval. Spend less time on administration and more time on the projects that matter most.

Property Tax & Utility Billing Benefits

Deliver superior customer service
Centralise property and community management
Improve community engagement and consultation

Property Tax & Utility Billing Capabilities

Automate approval workflows and benefit from a more efficient and reliable system, freeing up your team’s time for more important tasks.

By creating a seamless and automated billing system, you can trust that your invoices are being issued and paid more efficiently than ever.

Using invoice automation, take the manual labour out of invoicing. Streamline the entire process while removing extra work and human error.

With a platform that gives you a single point of truth across all of your data, you can have confidence in your reporting.

Automated invoices remove the element of human error, giving you the accuracy required to keep customer disputes to a minimum.

Tailored for a mix of different billing needs, our solution is designed to accommodate subscription-based contracts, products or services.

Discover more from MUNIvers

Citizen Engagement

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Service Request Management

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