Enterprise software built specifically for local government
and powered by the world’s most agile, scalable,
and secure platform— Salesforce

Experience seamless community connections powered by Salesforce, the top-tier solution in customer success

Transformation starts with MUNIvers

Experience a revolution in local government operations through our cutting-edge integrated platform. Bridging the gap between council employees, field workers, and customers, unleash the true potential of your council while redefining community service.

Discover the power of a unified, mobile-enabled solution accessible round-the-clock for both employees and citizens, transforming the operational efficiency and strategic needs of your municipality.

Property Tax & Utility Billing

Centralise property, billing, policy data and compliance management on a high-performing revenue engine.

Citizen Engagement

Give communities and stakeholders a voice, and decision makers the insights they need.

Service Request Management

Automate processes and provide workflow alerts to regulatory managers and inspectors.

Explore the benefits of working with MUNIvers

What makes the MUNIvers different

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Leverage the Salesforce platform

MUNIvers is the first and only purpose-built local government solution built on the world’s leading cloud-services platform to ensure security and scalability.

Reimagine the citizen-public servant relationship

Unlike conventional solutions that regard citizens as mere bill-payers, MUNIvers reimagines the relationship between a municipality and its residents. This unique approach reflects the sophistication of leading commercial enterprises.

Enjoy better pricing

Local governments may not have the robust funding reserves of federal or central governments, yet they navigate just as many, if not more, complexities. Enjoy a scalable solution at an affordable price.

Benefit from better reporting

As your organisation’s data is coming from one central source, it enables effective reporting that empowers data-driven, community-improving decision-making processes.

Overcome the limitations of legacy systems

Scale, secure, digitise, and put your data to use. Allow your organisation to break free from outdated systems that lack functionality, security, and the ability to expand.

Let our experts find the right solution for you