Flexibility is a pivotal attribute in the complex world of Enterprise Resource Software (ERP) solutions; this is particularly true when discussing operating environments and how to best store your information. A good provider will work closely with you to analyse your needs, consider all possible options and, ultimately, implement the best solution for your organisation. Hybrid ERP is a term you may have stumbled upon more than once in the last few years – it’s worth digging down into the definition of this increasingly prevalent phrase in the industry.

Hybrid ERP is a two-tier model in which you obtain core on-premises ERP capabilities combined with cloud-based capabilities in areas such as collaboration, CRM and sales, all integrated together. To fully understand what this term means, it’s crucial to unpack these cloud vs. on-premise options. Which combination might work best for your company?

With an on-premise solution, organisations run their applications on servers in their own data centres located on the company premises under their direct control. This model possesses the reliability that comes with a very long history of successful implementations. Since this option puts the acquisition and operation of servers and storage in the hands of the company, high cost and time investments are necessary.

With the cloud option, IT resources are not made available internally, but are instead made available by an external service provider. These technologies benefit from low capital costs, improved collaboration and easy infrastructure upgrades. While offering a great deal of agility and responsiveness, some companies may prefer their data being confined within the four walls of their own security and control.

As you can see, there are multiple pros and cons to both options. So, what if you didn’t have to choose?

This is where the hybrid ERP solution enters the picture. This often-overlooked scenario combines the public cloud and core on-premise operating models and empowers you to tap into cloud-based software to supplement your on-premise solution. Within this hybrid model, users enjoy improved visibility into everything happening within the system and lower implementation costs, while preserving the company’s rock-solid on-premise system.

To reiterate, one option does not fit all, and this is especially relevant when it comes to operating environments. Find the right provider for you to analyse your system and discover what combination of on-premise and cloud technologies would work best for your system – and see your organisation thrive.