Digital transformation is a term that gets thrown around in a lot of ways these days. What it actually means isn’t always clear. 

So in this article, we’ll go through what digital transformation refers to, how your business can benefit from it, and in what ways.


A Simple Definition of Digital Transformation 

Let’s start by breaking it down short and simple. Digital transformation means adopting modern technologies in place of outdated methods. Organisations undergo digital transformation to improve their daily operations using digital tools like SaaS (Software as a Service) to automate and streamline processes.  

The result is a unified system that is highly efficient, powerful, and scalable.  

For example, with your new systems in place, you can have everything you need for a particular project on one cloud-based platform, neat and viewable on one interface. This allows for quicker access to information, and a broader view of projects and customer relationships.  

And the automation that comes with your new software often creates shortcuts that can save a huge amount on resources. Digital transformation is a gamechanger for the businesses that embrace it.


Why Digital Transformation is Essential 

Firstly, your organisation needs compatibility with the latest tools. Adapting to the technology that’s used by the best in your industry is not just a good idea, it’s a necessity.

Secondly, by adopting newer and more effective processes, you eliminate bottlenecks and free up room for growth. Don’t be bogged down unnecessarily by outdated systems that are rigid and inefficient.  

Modern solutions are more accessible now than ever before. By this point, there’s really no reason to waste any more time or resources on fragmented systems that don’t serve your business’ best interests anymore.  

Think of digital transformation as an inevitable upgrade. You might as well get started with it now—especially if you’ve already fallen behind.


Digital Transformation Begins and Ends with the Customer 

Delivering an improved CX (customer experience) is one of the most important parts of digital transformation. After all, your customers are where your business is coming from.  

So improving the customer journey using the latest methods is critical to staying ahead. Your customers will respond well to your upgraded approach—especially if it advances the buying process.


The Tools to Power Your Digital Transformation  

There are countless ways you can implement digital transformation. But here are three of the top options you ought to be familiar with:


ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) 

ERP software connects many aspects of your business through one platform. ERP software provides a flexible yet streamlined information management system. It collects, stores, and uses information from various sources.  

It connects things like CRMs (customer relationship management tools), accounting, warehouses, Excel spreadsheets, and more. These islands of information so to speak, don’t normally communicate with one another without ERP software. So, ERP software centralises everything giving you a singular view of your processes. It provides easier access to data and can even assist in analysis through AI (artifical intelligence). And it creates efficiency, saving time and resources.   

ERP software systems are cloud-based, meaning your team can have access to everything they need remotely. All they have to do is log in through any device that supports a browser.


PSA (Professional Service Automation) 

PSA software is essentially a business management platform. It provides the tools to operate pretty much anything you need it to. This includes contract management, resource planning, project accounting, and more. Namely, it provides a service desk, billing, contract and project management, and sales tools.  

PSA differs from ERP in that it focuses on the daily grind of running your business rather than piecing together all of the information that spans your company. It combines service tools and offers a convenient all-in-one cloud-based solution.


HCM (Human Capital Management)

HCM is your HR department’s best friend. It makes their job much easier by providing a wide range of integrated functionality. This includes talent acquisition, learning programs and training tools, and management tools that organise their digital workspace into a neat cloud-based platform. This platform then communicates with virtually all the other apps they use.  

Especially for companies that need a scalable solution to all things related to onboarding, HCM software is super handy. It conserves bandwidth and provides valuable new tools for your HR department’s arsenal.


Where to Start with Digital Transformation 

All of this might be a little overwhelming if it’s your first time hearing about it. So we recommend that you get in touch with us and talk about your specific needs. Then, we’ll be able to give you actionable advice on which tools you should adopt, how they work, and how to use them effectively.  

When it comes to your digital transformation, you need a reliable partner with the expertise to get you equipped for the future. Agilyx Group provides all of the above software solutions and more, with a dedicated team of experts to support you throughout your transition from legacy systems to modern solutions.  

Our trusted staff has been helping businesses of all types from around the world upgrade their management systems for over two decades. Speak with one of our specialist consultants today and find out all you need to know about the benefits of digital transformation for your business.