Doing something new for the first time can be intimidating or exciting – it depends on who you ask. However, whether or not we notice it, we’re programmed for routine so any changes to “how it’s always been” can been seen as a perceived risk, regardless of how beneficial the change may be. So, how can you ensure that your employees will be on board with a new Learning Management System (LMS) from the start and what can you do to foster their relationship with it?

Communication and change go hand in hand. When you communicate things, how you communicate things, and what you do with communications you receive are all very important. Let’s take a look at how communication plays a role in the following tips about introducing a new LMS to your organisation.


Have an internal communications plan – what is the value of the LMS?

Tell employees sooner than later, and keep them informed. You’ll need to communicate the value of why this “new thing” is being introduced. Get everyone excited, there’s something new coming and it’s going to help them learn new things, do their job more efficiently, or whatever it may be that your LMS is going to be used. Regular updates will help to demystify the new LMS and get staff curious about its potential.


Assign team champions – get staff involved.

After sharing the news of your new LMS, now is the perfect opportunity to get staff involved. Employees are more likely to be receptive to their peers than to outside learning trainers. (They’re not to be confused with LMS administrators, the in-house experts of your LMS.) Team champions are within currently existing teams, taking on an extra role alongside their usual work, whether it be for professional development or just to take up a new opportunity.


Get feedback – and actually do something with it.

Your staff’s experience with the LMS will be important because they’ll be able to let you know what is (and what isn’t) working for them. They’re the main users so their input is important. Encourage staff to provide feedback and share this valuable information with your LMS administrators, developer or supplier and see what they can do. Any changes going to be made based off of a staff recommendation? Great, make sure you tell your employees about this, that they’ve made a difference that’ll help others within the organisation! Continued communication is key.


Change can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. By utilising a mix of communications during a LMS implementation, organisations can be better prepared to reduce the perceived risks that employees might be wary of and foster.