Having a great payroll system is essential for any organisation. Whether you’re a staffing and recruitment agency, a consultancy firm, a government agency, a tech start-up or building rockets to launch into space — having a reliable and simple payroll solution is key.

If you are responsible for running your company’s payroll, it’s likely you’re facing the  same challenges that many other HR and payroll professionals experience. Do any of these challenges sound familiar?

  • Lengthy administrative and manual processes.
  • Lack of organisation.
  • Inaccuracy.
  • System integration incompatibilities.

With so many powerful payroll solutions in the market, it can feel overwhelming to identify which will be the right choice for your company. That’s why we’ve put together our top tips for finding the right solution for you.


1. Determine your needs

The first step is to ask yourself the right questions. That way, you’ll know exactly what you need before you start looking at the options.

Here are some prompts that may help you get the ball rolling:

  • How many employees do you have in your business?
  • Do you have any seasonal or temporary employees?
  • How big is your organisation?
  • Do your staff have benefits?
  • How often do you run pays?
  • Is everyone paid in the same way or do you have staff who are paid differently to others (think monthly vs. weekly or salary vs. wages)?
  • What’s your budget for your new system?
  • How many people will need access to it, and will you need a range of different roles and accesses for different users?

Don’t be afraid to involve your HR team in these initial brainstorming sessions.

And remember: While it’s great to have a payroll system that meets all your current needs, don’t forget to think about your company’s future too. Make sure you’ve considered whether you’ll need a software solution that can scale up with your company if growth is in your plans.


2. Prioritise the features you need most

You’ve identified what you need, but now you need to put that list in order. Put your non-negotiables at the top of the list and your nice-to-haves at the bottom. That way, when you start looking at options, you’ll have your core necessities top of mind — it’s important that any solution you choose does these core things well so focusing on them when you’re narrowing your options down is essential.

Once you’ve got those covered, you can consider your nice-to-haves. This is a great way to thin down your shortlist and zoom in on the solutions that will give you the most within your budget.

If you’re stuck on ideas, here are some of the top features we recommend in a modern payroll system:

  • Flexible integration with your existing business systems
  • Streamlining and automation capabilities
  • Self-service portals
  • Ability to be customised.

Ultimately, your final choice should be a solution that meets all your core needs, many (or all) of your nice-to-haves, and fits within your budget.


3. Choose the right implementation partner

Now that you’ve chosen a fantastic looking product, it’s time to choose an implementation partner to help bring everything to life. This is where the real magic begins, so it’s essential that you choose a trustworthy partner who has the right knowledge and excellent track record to deliver a top-quality outcome.

At Agilyx Group, we have a dedicated HCM Practice, with specialist consultants who are passionate about seeing our customers succeed. We’ve been helping organisations like yours undergo digital transformations for more than two decades.

With offices around the world, we are here to support you no matter where you are based. Get in touch for a chat about how we could help you.