The best of our Unit4 ERP consultants and the latest in training methodology

Good training sets you up for success and empowers everyone in your organisation to perform better. At Agilyx, we put experienced consultants together with qualified trainers to make your learning effective, easy, and relevant to your job.

With our decades of industry experience, we know the kinds of questions you ask, the scenarios you face, and the extra back-up and support you need along the way. Our fresh and engaging approach to training saves you time – and patience – helping you maximise the return of your system investment.

We have training solutions available to suit you – whether you are after a self-serviced method of learning, if you need to a train your team or even if you need company-wide training, we have you covered.


Delivering expert Training

The Challenge

Your newly-onboarded staff has no prior experience with Unit4 ERP, and your team just doesn’t have the resources to train them.

The Solution

Created by professional trainers, Agilyx has a comprehensive online catalogue of Unit4 ERP courses that’ll bring your staff up to speed with effective, easy learning targeted to their role.

The Results

Everyone in your organisation is empowered and confident with the system, maximising their productivity and performance while maximising the return on your ERP investment.

Want to try our Unit4 ERP online training for yourself?

Check out our comprehensive online catalogue

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Keep reading to find out more about our training solutions for individuals and organisations

Business executives in an online call to discuss and share business plans

We have the right solution for you

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Onboarding for all your new employees

Self service online learning bundles enable your new staff to learn how to use Unit4 ERP quickly and efficiently in their own time – with minimal input from managers or Human Resources. New staff are empowered to self-manage and navigate within the courses, helping them get straight to the knowledge they need for their role.

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Maintaining organisational knowledge

Avoid losing vital knowledge about your system and its functionality when key professional users leave your organisation. We offer comprehensive learning bundles of online courses for each organisational role, as well as the opportunity for tailored supplementary sessions – you can ensure your continued organisational competency.

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Upskilling your system administrators

Gain the inside knowledge of our expert consultants about how best to manage your system. Choose from our extensive course catalogue, sign up for a ‘Talk to the Expert’ webinar, or book yourself a power session to boost your staff’s abilities. Unlock key insights from the people who’ve already mastered it – everything you always wanted to know.

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Smooth upgrades to latest versions

Empower your team to take full advantage of the improvements in newer versions of Unit4 ERP. Learn about the changes and how they can help you work more effectively. Practice on our gold standard, fully configured online training database – a unique opportunity to gain confidence and broaden application skills.

We have online training solutions for individuals, as well as organisational offerings

Learn Unit4 ERP skills with online courses developed by experienced consultants and professional trainers.

Agilyx Training online courses are designed to be the foundation of your training solution. The catalogue covers not only the most popular and widely-used Unit4 modules, but also the less common modules that are usually only taught in the classroom. You’re able to dig in and select the best options for you.

We’ve created training solutions to match your unique needs. Whether you are looking for self-serviced online learning, or training for a team or organisation, we can help connect you with the right package to suit your business.

Want to try our Unit4 ERP online training for yourself?