This blog post is the first in a series of Q&A sessions with some of our leaders at Agilyx Group— starting with Christo Erasmus, the Managing Director of Agilyx Group South Africa. Christo shares his journey from a technical background to a leadership role, highlighting the significance of practical experience, mentorship, and adaptability in navigating industry challenges. Through this exchange, we delve into effective leadership strategies, the importance of fostering creativity within teams, and how the COVID-19 pandemic spurred vital changes within Agilyx.

Join us in this series as we explore these themes and uncover lessons that aspiring leaders and established professionals alike can apply in their own careers!

How has your journey shaped your leadership style?

My journey—from a technical foundation to understanding the broader business environment—has been crucial in shaping my leadership. Experiencing the industry firsthand allowed me to build a strong foundation of practical knowledge and foster relationships that have proven invaluable throughout my career.

What would you say is the most important leadership lesson you’ve learned over the years?

Practical experience outweighs theoretical knowledge by miles. While having a formal qualification is beneficial, nothing beats the insights gained from real-world challenges. This experience equips me to respond swiftly and effectively, nurturing creative problem-solving within my team.

What are some of the most significant barriers facing our industry today?

I see a few key challenges, particularly in our territory. A lack of education and high communication costs inhibit widespread internet access. Additionally, compliance with the Poppy Act presents certain hurdles, and the rising entitlement mentality complicates resource acquisition, making it difficult to maintain operational efficiency.

How do you foster creativity and innovation within your team?

Encouraging experimentation is essential. I empower my team to take risks and brainstorm ideas, making sure they feel ownership of their contributions—successful or not. This cultivates an environment where creative thinking is nurtured and valued.

What are your top strategies for maintaining this balance, both for yourself and your team?

Prioritising rest is critical; you cannot run on an empty engine. It’s also essential to learn to say no, which is something I continually work on. Regular exercise and pursuing hobbies outside of work are also vital in refreshing one’s mind and spirit.

What resources have significantly influenced your leadership approach?

I owe a lot of my development to mentorship throughout my career. Building a network of mentors has been incredibly beneficial. Among books, Stephen Covey’s “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” stands out to me, as does Dale Carnegie’s classic, “How to Win Friends and Influence People.”

What advice would you give to aspiring leaders and entrepreneurs?

Stay curious and precise about your goals. Understand exactly what you want to achieve and why. Above all, be persistent—never relent in your efforts; the journey will undeniably pay off in the long run.

Can you provide an example of a significant pivot Agilyx had to make and how it was handled?

The onset of COVID-19 was a notable challenge. The sudden shift to remote work was daunting, but we adapted swiftly. Our commitment to support staff in transitioning to a home-working environment was paramount. We’ve not only coped well but have continued to thrive while ensuring the well-being of our team.

Stay tuned for our next Q&A session with another inspiring Agilyx leader!